WARNING! This page can make YOU rich.
The “Bundle” offer only lasts for 10 days after your initial registration and it’s something you don’t want to miss.
It is just a $29.75 payment for entry into the 777 Plan, the Poverty Crusher Plan, the ShareHope Powerline plan as a Pro Member and entry into the Easy Team Builder plan – PLUS, All 6 Pools in the wealth builder, a $1,000 deposit into your US$ Wallet (this is not withdrawable and at the end of the current month will be transferred to your ShareHope Trust Fund) and a 100% Power of One Bonus (PofO) for 1 month starting on the 1st of the month after taking up the offer. (you will need to deposit funds to your Available Cash Wallet using a card or Crypto; there is a helpful video here)
The ShareHope plan has a recurring $10 payment every 4 weeks but you can soon be in profit and there is a guarantee that if you are not in profit after 13 payments, we will pay your fees until you are in profit. You can’t lose!
The Power of One Bonus can be retained each month by simply referring a new paid member to any of our plans. I know some of you may say, “I can’t or don’t want to refer others.” This is why we built the Easy Team Builder; in just a few minutes a day it will help you build a team of referrals without any hassle or rejection, all you need do is click a few buttons each day. That’s it; you’ll be on your way to a massive, passive, recurring income putting you among the top earners GLOBALLY!
It’s a massive value and YOU instantly become an Active Elite Member, qualified for AE FREE CASH random allocations every day of up to $150, and ShareHope random allocations each week of $100, with matching 100% bonus for qualified sponsors. You will also, be included in the ETB FREE CASH random allocation of $1,000 every month and all this is in addition to the massive benefits provided from the 4 plans.
The ShareHope Powerline Plan in addition to helping you build a powerful income, will enable you to start receiving automated monthly withdrawals from your ShareHope Trust Fund. You build your Trus Fund automatically each day, simply by logging in, and from the FREE MONTHLY RAFFLES for each of the 6 Pools you have been given FREE, a $100 value . .Every month 20% of our Pool Members win prizes of upto tens of thousands of $$$.
Of course you can, if you wish, become an Active Elite Member, in time, without any out-of-pocket expense and qualify for the AE FREE CASH random withdrawals, so we have a way to help all our members; it’s just that most like to fast track for just $29.75 rather than patiently work their way up the ladder.
God bless,
p.s. “It’s being in the right place at the right time and taking advantage of your opportunities” ~ Lee Majors