ALL successful marketers have built lists of subscribers with whom they communicate on a regular basis, building a relationship of trust, and a good list will produce an average income of $1 a month or more per subscriber.

However, building a responsive list can be a daunting task taking many years. Often list builders struggle to add numbers in any quantity and adding 10 people a month would only create a list of 120 in a year, even if no-one unsubscribed.

The founder of We Share Abundance has been making money online since 1998 and over those years has managed to build a list of over 250,000 subscribers; but do you want to take over 20 years building your list?

Our Leveraged List Building works for you, and even if everyone only ever refers 10 people, not 10 a month, just 10; then within weeks it is possible and probable, to have a list of hundreds and a list of many thousands within a few months.

This is the modern solution to list building and without the ever increasing costs, charged by autoresponder companies, as your list grows.