As a member of We Share Abundance you can earn referral commissions on any Easy Team Builder subscriber that you personally introduce.
As a subscriber in the Easy Team Builder you will also be added into the powerful matrix for additional compensation.
You will also receive…
Leveraged List Building – build a list of thousands in a few weeks not a few years
Multiple Automated Income Streams – many totally free
100% inbox deliverability of messages – you are usually lucky to get 80% of regular emails to inboxes
Almost 100% open rate of messages – most alternatives provise 2 – 5% open rate wasting your efforts
Recurring income – Does $400,000+ a year sound interesting?
FREE Bonus Mailing List enabling you to message as many as 80% of our free members each month.
Additional messaging to our Wealth Building Pool Members, for all the Pools that you are also participating.
Subscriptions 100% compensated by free purchases of ShareHope Tokens .
Ability to use “SOAP” (Success on a Plate) coupons to offer a 1 month free trial
Use of our unique and powerful, no rejection, Team Builder Tool(currently under construction). This not only helps you build your own referrals easily in just a few minutes a day, but also enables duplication helping everyone to make referrals.
I almost forgot to mention, YOU ARE ALSO ENTERED INTO A FREE MONTHLY RAFFLE FOR $1,000