Below is a transcript of the above video.
How to make money.
There are only 2 ways to make money, online or offline:
- Having money to invest in something
- Selling a service or product
If you already have funds then I suggest you avoid the many High Yield Investment Plans that are available online. Most are not genuine and will not last many months. A few try to be honest but also fail to meet expectations and don’t last. There may be an odd one that is genuine but even these mostly fail once they get to a size where scale causes the loss of diminishing returns to set in. The people that do make money from these plans are usually those promoting them and making referral commissions or the owners who often run off with the cash. As I am in no way an expert in investments that is the limit of my advice for those of you wanting to have your cash working for you.
My area of expertise comes in the home business industry where I have been making money since the 1990’s before the era of the Internet and into that realm since 1998.
So I want to cover making money online which is probably where most people’s interest lies. This falls mainly into 3 categories:
- Owning a product or service that is available for people to buy.
- Being an affiliate and selling other people’s products for a commission.
- Leveraging your time and income as an affiliate through building a network of distributors.
That’s it! Everything falls into the above 3 categories.
Affiliate marketing can be very profitable, but it is always trading time for money. It can be automated to some extent but always needs to be maintained and updated, and requires good sales skills to be a top earner in this field.
Creating and selling a product or service is not what most people want to do. It can again be very profitable and the sales side can be handled by affiliates, but the customer service and product delivery etc. can be very time consuming and creating something people both need and want is not easy.
That leaves Network Marketing and, without doubt, is the best way the average person can make money without spending every waking, available hour in front of your computer. There is no limit to what can be earned, but the amount earned is governed by who you become.
Let me explain with a hypothetical but very real example.
Joe gets a job working on the shop floor of some big company and he is happy to be employed and earning a wage and the wage he earns is related to his position as a shop floor worker. He becomes more experienced as he puts in his effort every day and so is able to help and guide others less experienced. Joe has become a different person to the starter he was and this is recognised by management who promote him to Supervisor. Note that in reality he became a Supervisor before he was actually promoted, and it was this factor that drove his promotion.
Now Joe as a Supervisor becomes more knowledgeable, his team do well and he’s able to share his knowledge with other Supervisors and advise them. This is noticed and he gains promotion to Production Manager. Once again, in reality, he became Production Manager in his attitude and belief before he was promoted. This can go on and on and Joe can ultimately climb the ranks to become the CEO or Chairman of the company.
Your position in Network Marketing and your progress is exactly the same, except for the fact that you are already head of your own organisation from day one, it may start out with just you but gradually it will grow and you will grow with it. It does not matter if someone in your Network moves faster than you and earns more than you, because you will be a part of their success. Your income is controlled by your growth in the same way as Joe’s income was controlled by his growth in the example above.
Now, I hear you saying, that’s all very well, but what I need to know is, “What do I have to do to get started making money?”
Let’s keep this REALLY SIMPLE!
You have joined a Networking Company as a distributor and will have been given a referral link. All you need to do is share that link with as many people as possible every day. Never pre-judge anyone, simply share your link with EVERYONE and never stop sharing it. That’s it!
Some will, throw the link away, some will laugh at you, some will click the link.
Of those that click the link, some will say it’s not for me and some will say I like the idea.
Of those who like the idea some will join and some will forget about it.
Of those who join some will do nothing and some will start to share their link.
Of those who share their link some will give up after a while, some will make enough to keep them happy and some will grow on to become top earners.
Those top earners will make you rich!
That is how you will make money.
Is it easy? Easy is where you are now.
One of my favourite quotes is, “If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill.” ~ Henry B. Eyring – Author-Educational Administrator-Religious Leader
We are designed to grow and when we stop growing, we start dying! There will always be new heights we can reach, new challenges to overcome and so, on the right path, we accept that it will never be easy because we will never settle for where we are now; we will always strive to improve and grow, materially, mentally and above all spiritually.