Levels of paid subscription in the BB range from $2 a month to $100 a month and each subscription is matched by WSA giving you a free Nest Egg entry, which helps build your future wealth.

Example: Take a $2 subscription and you will see $2 worth of WESAbundance Tokens added to your Nest Egg wallet, a $100 subscription will result in $100 worth of WESAbundance Tokens added to your Nest Egg Wallet.

The benefits are fully listed for each level in your member area by clicking “Manage” in the Easy Business Builder block of your dashboard.

However, in short, the higher your level of monthly subscription the greater the benefits and the greater potential earnings from sales; you will also receive increasing benefits in terms of leverage in your list building, the number of messages you will be able to send, and the number of levels that will see your links in the multiple income streams.

As a subscriber to any of our plans in the BB you will receive a bonus list enabling you to message as many as 80% of our free members each month.

Note that the BB and WB work together in allowing messages to our paid members in addition to your bonus and own network lists of members. Staking in the WB will, at each level, open up more of our paid members to contact. Some of the benefits of membership are listed below…

  1. Leveraged List Building – build a list of thousands in a few weeks not a few years

  2. Multiple Automated Income Streams – many totally free

  3. 100% inbox deliverability of messages – you are usually lucky to get 80% to inboxes

  4. Almost 100% open rate of messages – most alternatives provise 2 – 5% open rate wasting your efforts

  5. 100% Commissions on referrals in month one

  6. Recurring passive income

  7. Power Of OIne Bonus Plan – that can as much as double recurring commissions

  8. Free to start and upgrades from just $2 a month to a maximum of $100 a month

  9. FREE Bonus Mailing List

  10. Subscriptions 100% compensated by free Nest Egg purchases of WESAbundance Tokens – subscribe for $100 and receive $100 of WESAbundance Tokens FREE!

  11. Option to earn a retirement income from Staking Pools – we gift all members $2 to get started Staking Pool 1 from the 1st of the next month

  12. Option to buy WESAbundance Tokens at 40% market value – deposited to Nest Egg Wallet.

List Building       Messaging       Multiple Income Streams       BB Pay Plan