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Manifest Anything You Desire
Several Citizens have asked me about my meditation and so I decided to add this page to the website. It is very appropriate as this whole community is a manifestation through the lessons taught by Self Realization Fellowship.
You Can Apply for the Lessons Here
My journey leading to helping set up this community started over 20 years ago when I read the book Autobiography Of A Yogi written by Paramahansa Yogananda. I was an atheist but always loved my fellow man and was influenced from early childhood by the poem you can read below. I also had a great interest in the power of the mind and had taken Jose Silva training and followed that by becoming a Master Hypnotist and Certified Hypnotherapist.
After reading the Autobiography Of A Yogi in which the author invited people to try meditation I decided to take up the challenge. Most people within about 9 to 10 months reach the state of becoming initiated into Kriya Yoga but even after over 20 years I do not feel worthy of that, so you can take hope from my struggles.
All I can say is that meditation has changed my life for the better so why not give it the chance to do the same for you?
There are additional Guided Meditations here which you may also like 🙂
This is a quote from the book Think and Grow Rich and it is something that my Guru and the line of Guru’s before him have been teaching for centuries,
“An educated man is not, necessarily, one who has an abundance of general or specialized knowledge. An educated man is one who has so developed the faculties of his mind that he may acquire anything he wants, or its equivalent, without violating the rights of others.” ― Napolean Hill.
Below you can click on the image to download an introduction to Highest Achievements Through Self-Realization and should you choose to take the lessons which are $90 in Europe and N. America (as little as $10 in some countries) you can submit a receipt to support and they will credit your member US$ Wallet with the actual cost so that you can participate absolutely free.
God Bless, Graham